The art of letting go

Unfortunately, the reality of dating is that there are usually breakups along the way. Which is why one of the most common questions I get is about how to cope. I wish I could say it gets easier as you get older but that would not be true at all. However, I can say that having had a fair amount of experience with breakups in the past, I can give some decent advice on letting go and moving on.

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5 people you should never date

  1. The person you want to fix. (Because that always works out so well!) It’s one thing if you inspire this person to improve areas of his or her life but if you’re thinking “I can fix that about her,” you’re soooo wrong. People don’t change unless they want to. So, go into a relationship with someone you like, already. Someone whose flaws you can tolerate. Not someone you want to change.

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